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By Date: August 2024

Quarkus in Multi-Module projects

You are developing a web application using Quarkus that consists of multiple (micro)services and a bunch of supporting libraries. Since maven modules provide sufficient isolation, you decide to use a parent project to keep dependency versions and parameters in sync and a Maven Reactor to build them together.

This blog post is for you. A special thanks to Alexey for helping out.

Moving parts

Our objective is to have a development setup where we can edit any of the services or libraries and then run them individually or all together. Ideally without the need to alter configurations between runs and the ability to deploy the setup using devcontainers (note: that's about the development setup, not about deploying the finished application). There are some moving parts:

That's a lot, let's dig in.

Read more

Posted by on 28 August 2024 | Comments (0) | categories: Java Maven Quarkus WebDevelopment

Simplify JUnit tests with custom annotations

In the beginning was a test, that provided to be vital, but not sufficient. In modern application development we encounter:

  • Unit Tests: testing a single function or a tuple of related functions
  • Module Tests: testing bigger parts of your application, without actual external dependencies
  • Integration or End-to-End tests: a.k.a life firing exercise

This entry isn't a discussion about the merits of how much and when test, but making tests easy to setup and distinguish

The manual way

We typically use Mockito, vert.x and REST-assured in our tests, so a typical test class would look like this:

@ExtendWith(VertxExtension.class, MockitoExtension.class, MyCustomExtension.class})
class SomethingTest {

  does_it_blend() {
    // Test goes here

It is just two lines, but everywhere. You can simplify it by creating your own annotation.

The custom annotation

@ExtendWith({VertxExtension.class, MockitoExtension.class, MyCustomExtension.class})
public @interface UnitTest {
  // no action needed here, JUnit use only!

Now you simply use:

class SomethingTest {

  does_it_blend() {
    // Test goes here

While this looks like minor cosmetic, it allows to control test extensions from a single place, your annotation source. Repeat that process for the other test types (ModuleTests, IntegrationTests, PerformanceTests etc.) you want to use.

In your pom.xml, in the build-plugins section you can use the tag to ensure all your unit test, but only them execute on mvn test and the others on mvn verify

  <!-- Run UNIT and MODULE tests, no backend calls -->

As usual YMMV

Posted by on 05 August 2024 | Comments (0) | categories: Java jUnit Maven TDD