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Simplify JUnit tests with custom annotations

In the beginning was a test, that provided to be vital, but not sufficient. In modern application development we encounter:

  • Unit Tests: testing a single function or a tuple of related functions
  • Module Tests: testing bigger parts of your application, without actual external dependencies
  • Integration or End-to-End tests: a.k.a life firing exercise

This entry isn't a discussion about the merits of how much and when test, but making tests easy to setup and distinguish

The manual way

We typically use Mockito, vert.x and REST-assured in our tests, so a typical test class would look like this:

@ExtendWith(VertxExtension.class, MockitoExtension.class, MyCustomExtension.class})
class SomethingTest {

  does_it_blend() {
    // Test goes here

It is just two lines, but everywhere. You can simplify it by creating your own annotation.

The custom annotation

@ExtendWith({VertxExtension.class, MockitoExtension.class, MyCustomExtension.class})
public @interface UnitTest {
  // no action needed here, JUnit use only!

Now you simply use:

class SomethingTest {

  does_it_blend() {
    // Test goes here

While this looks like minor cosmetic, it allows to control test extensions from a single place, your annotation source. Repeat that process for the other test types (ModuleTests, IntegrationTests, PerformanceTests etc.) you want to use.

In your pom.xml, in the build-plugins section you can use the tag to ensure all your unit test, but only them execute on mvn test and the others on mvn verify

  <!-- Run UNIT and MODULE tests, no backend calls -->

As usual YMMV

Posted by on 05 August 2024 | Comments (0) | categories: Java jUnit Maven TDD


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