How much effort will you spend on old browsers?
The JavaScript demi-god Douglas Crockford is attributed with the statement: " the browser is the most hostile software development environment ever imagined " (I think he made that before mobile phones were around
). The problem is not only that there are different engines for HTML and JavaScript, but the fact, that older browsers are still around. Chrome and Firefox have build-in upgrade enggines and IE9++ looks quite decent. So users could do with a little reminder and encouragement (and if it is just to pick up the torches and pitchforks to march to the IT department).
For the friends of Bootstrap here's a little code snippet that nicely fits just behind the body tag in your HTML page:
Others take more drastic measures. Luckily IE6 usage is down to 0.4% in the US (and 6% worldwide), now rinse and repeat for IE7, IE8 and old versions of the others

For the friends of Bootstrap here's a little code snippet that nicely fits just behind the body tag in your HTML page:
Posted by Stephan H Wissel on 04 October 2012 | Comments (2) | categories: Software