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Learning XPages' foundations: JSF and Dojo (including the Expression Language)

When people ask me what exactly XPages is/are, I answer with the formula:
XPages = JSF + JavaScript + Notes + Domino Designer - J2EE headaches
The J2EE headaches would be XML descriptor files, deployments and the lack of an integrated database. Nevertheless a large part of the power of XPages results from its foundation in JSF. So understanding JSF surly doesn't harm. O'Reilly provides in their Safari Books Online platform a online video training with more than 10 hours duration: Building Ajaxified Web Applications with JSF 2.0 by Marty Hall. In 15 lessons you learn a lot about JSF and Ajax.
  1. Overview
  2. Getting Started
  3. Basics
  4. ManagedBeans
  5. Navigation
  6. Expression Language
  7. Properties
  8. Handling GUI Events
  9. AJAX
  10. Validation
  11. Looping
  12. Data Tables
  13. Templating
  14. Composite Components
  15. View Params
Probably a lot of the functions a JSF developer needs to take care of are handled by Domino Designer in XPages, but it is good to know what the platform handles for you to appreciate even more. Knowing the inner workings will enable one to take full advantage of all capabilities.

Posted by on 07 January 2011 | Comments (2) | categories: XPages


  1. posted by Henning Heinz on Saturday 08 January 2011 AD:
    I use some kind of J2EE in the form of Grails. No XML descriptor files, easy deployments and a lot of integrated databases thanks to GORM. You can even switch databases and your application still works (even when switching from SQL to NoSQL and vice versa).
    Still XPages in Agent mode allows me to do a lot of things. I would really like to read more about it.
  2. posted by Joe Singer on Tuesday 11 January 2011 AD:
    I am an owner of Vigilus LLC.

    I am looking for advanced Xpages developers to upgrade a mature Lotus Notes application.

    Please contact me at jsinger@vigilus.net.


    Joe Singer