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Lotus Greenhouse and the IBM OneUI v3

Have you paid a visit to Lotus Greenhouse lately? IBM features the upcoming Lotus Connections 3.0 there to try. There are a number of interesting observations to be made beyond the core improvements to Lotus Connections. Lotus Connections sports the upcoming IBM OneUI v3 and I expect the documentation being available at the usual spot once it is released. One interesting structure to note is the 4 basic tabs: Home, Profiles, Communities and Apps. Apps now hosts Bookmarks, Blogs, Files, Wikis, Activities and Forums (which makes the Latin speaker in me cringe: correct would be Fori, but that never made it into English grammar):
Lotus OneUI v3 Apps
There is no reason why that Apps menu couldn't host access to Quickr or your custom applications. So Lotus Connections evolves into the Lotus lead application. Looking at the OneUI you can see how it is evolving. This is one more reason to stick to OneUI for your custom applications. A simple CSS update will bring you in line with the new styles. Jeffrey Veen once taught me: Websites are about structure, layout and behaviour. Structure is provided by HTML, layout by CSS and behaviour by JavaScript. OneUI is all about structure - You don't need to agree with the CSS. Feel free to change anything inside the { }. Below you see the evolution from OneUI v2 to OneUI v3. Will we see user contributed OneUI themes anytime soon?
IBM OneUI v2
IBM OneUI v3
Can you spot the difference?
Update: The v3.0 documentation is out

Posted by on 27 September 2010 | Comments (3) | categories: IBM - Lotus IBM Notes Lotus Notes


  1. posted by Stephan Wissel on Monday 27 September 2010 AD:
    @Michelle: you are right: -us turns -i and -um turns -a, how could I forget Emoticon smile.gif

    @Nathan: you have to love the ambiguity of the English language. What Jeffrey meant was "layout" as in "looks". So "structure" defines what it is (like a head line, a list of things, a piece of code, a container for content).

    "layout" hints how it should look like: the headline has big fonts, the list turns into a dropdown menu and the container has a margin and a white background. The renderer might follow these hints (or not).

    HTML doesn't provide any content. It is the text inside and around the HTML tags.
    Emoticon smile.gif stw
  2. posted by Michelle O'Rorke on Monday 27 September 2010 AD:
    Actually, I believe that the plural of forum is actually fora

    { Link }

    But there is much dispute about whether the Latin or Anglicized version is preferred in modern English.
  3. posted by Nathan T. Freeman on Monday 27 September 2010 AD:
    What's the difference between "structure" and "layout?" That sounds totally artificial to me.

    Maybe if it were "content, layout and behavior" it might make more sense.