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Quickr, Domino.Doc and a Lotus Redbook

I'm spending 2 weeks in Cambridge (MA) on the redbook "Self Assessment and Strategy Guide for Migrating from Domino Document Manager". We have a great team and good working progress. This afternoon we'll see the Quickr development team and have a discussion on how Quickr will accomodate the Dom.Doc crowd. For a full coverage of the residency and its questions head over to John's blog:
  1. The IBM Document Management Story & the Domino.Doc Redbook
  2. Poll for Business Partners - Why are you not doing more work with Quickr?
  3. Poll for Customers - Why are you not using Lotus Quickr?
  4. Poll for Domino Document Manager / Domino.Doc customers - why are you not using Lotus Quickr as a replacement?
And no: this is not a resurrection of the Lotus Redbooks. RedWiki is the name of the game.

Posted by on 05 March 2009 | Comments (1) | categories: IBM - Lotus


  1. posted by Srinivas Kotaru on Tuesday 10 March 2009 AD:
    I work for one of the big Lotus customers in Singapore. And we have considered using QuickR for our needs but we didnt for the reasons below.

    I would surely like to hear from you what are your comments, please drop me a line.

    1.As a heavy client user base, First thing that stops us is QuickR is just accessible from Web browser or as plugin using http protocol. So if we have restrictions on http and allow only pass thru this is not for us.

    2.And QuickR UI is not easy to customize, because it uses that Haiku format a bit tough.

    3.QuickR does not offer the level of event handling domino.doc does.

    4. For access controlled folders you have to create rooms which is confusing.

    5. You cannot categorize documents/binders and add custom meta data to documents(create document types/custom workflow etc).

    6. Users like to see folder kind of structure(windows explorer) on the web for library, missing again from quickr UI

    7. I dont really know what is the reason for abandoning Domino.Doc if you are just promoting domino databases again to store files.